Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I was planning to blog about our trip to the pumpkin patch that we took 2 weeks ago. For some reason blogger is being weird and not letting me upload pictures at the moment. A post of the pumpkin patch without pictures just wouldn't be the same. I guess it will have to wait till either later today or tomorrow.

I know I've been a bit MIA as of late. There is a reason. I'm not quite ready to share what that reason is yet, but I will be soon. Just bear with me for a little while longer.

I hope you all are doing well! Any exciting plans for Halloween?


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Evelyn's 1st Birthday Party

Get ready for a lot of pictures!

This last Saturday we had Evelyn's 1st Birthday party. We just had a small party at home with mostly family and a few close friends. It was a pretty fun day. Evelyn got spoiled with lots of toys that make noise, which is a new thing for her, because we have been holding off on letting her have anything noisy for our own sanity.

Evelyn with her big Hippo that we gave her.

All the decor was based around a tablecloth that I got at a garage sale. (It's the one on the dessert table)  I made all the the desserts. We had cupcakes, dipped oreos and rice krispies. Everything else I bought at Sam's Club.

Evelyn wasn't so sure about everyone singing happy birthday to her and instead of trying to blow out her candle she tried to grab it. However she loved getting to eat a cupcake. She didn't let any of it go to waste. This wasn't her first time having cake, but it was her first time having frosting. Boy did she love it!

Evelyn has been all about her new toys. She hasn't played with anything else all weekend. She uses that ladybug racer (right) to get up onto furniture though, so I have to be on constant watch.

All in all it was a really good party. I think I over did it on the food, because we had quite a bit left over. Oh well, I'll know better for next time. The whole process exhausted me though! All I've wanted to do is sleep. Thankfully Nick had yesterday off so he helped get things back to normal around here, whatever that means.

Does your family have any special traditions for birthdays? I'd love to hear about them.

Hope you had a good weekend and that your week is starting off well!
